About Us

Building on the Truth

What is True?

The world would have you believe that truth is relative, or can change based on one's perspective or circumstances. But how do you build a life on shifting sand?

At Christ the Rock, we seek to build on something solid, that never changes or fails—Jesus and his promises for us.

Come discover the truth that will change your life.

About Us

What you'll learn at Christ the Rock.

God's Word - the Bible - is our source of truth. It's what we learn from, grow in, and base all other beliefs upon.

Meet Our Team


Cale Mead

My name is Cale. I grew up in Western Wisconsin and went to Luther Preparatory School in Watertown, WI, where I was encouraged to be a pastor and met my wife, Lauren (we started dating senior year so we barely made the cut to be high school sweethearts). I attended Martin Luther College and Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, having chances to serve in East Asia and Colorado during my studies.

I was assigned to Christ Lutheran Church in Juneau, Alaska upon graduation and served there for four years before taking the call to Canton. We have 3 girls (Amelia 7, Ziva 4, Mabel 1) and are so excited to be a part of this growing community in Canton. We can’t wait to see how God blesses us and allows us to be a blessing here, too!


ROCKKids Coordinator

Lauren Mead

Hello! My name is Lauren. I grew up in WI and always dreamed of being a teacher. My love for seeing children grow and learn has never stopped. I got my teaching degree in Elementary Education from Martin Luther College in MN before getting married to Cale and teaching in East Asia for 3 years.

After coming back to the states, I taught 2-3rd grade and then worked with toddlers and babies in a daycare center while my husband got his Masters degree.

After Cale graduated, we moved to Alaska where I home schooled our oldest daughter and taught a Time4Tots program. Now I get to be a stay-at-home mom to our 3 wonderful daughters, hike the beautiful GA trails, play in my garden, and explore a new community with my family!

"This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!"

Psalm 118:24